Web 2.0 - Soocial

Web 2.0 - SoocialSoocial provides a one address book solutions to contact management. No matter where you add r change a contact, it will be changed in your other connected devices or web applications

Their philosophy is that there is no good hassle-free solution yet to the contact management problem. They aim to link all currently disconnected address books to each other. A change in one of these address books will result in a change in all your connected devices.

Outlook - For the first time get your contacts in and out of Outlook, keep it in sync, hassle-free.

BlackBerry - Sync your contacts with BlackBerry - safe, fast and battery saving.

Gmail - Synchronize your Gmail contacts with all other connected devices.

Highrise - your work contacts with 37signals' popular CRM tool. Syncing with Highrise means your work contacts will be available in any of your connected devices.

OS X Address Book - Sync your Macintosh with all other connected device or web applications.

Your phone - Soocial will sync over 400+ phone models. We send you an SMS message that configures your phone, you'll be set up in 1 minute.

Web 2.0 - Soocial

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